Austin Treadwell Austin Treadwell

Placebo? If It Works, It Works!

It feels like we’re thinking too hard! When the goal is to ease our patients’ pains, improve their health, better their lives; how much does the latest meta-analysis or cohort study really matter?

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Austin Treadwell Austin Treadwell

Don’t Sit Too Long!

We’ve come to a really interesting point in society! Work has taken on a totally different meaning in recent history!

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Austin Treadwell Austin Treadwell

What Does Aquaman Eat?

There’s no superhero diet, but there are some dietary staples that have been proven time & time again to be uniquely beneficial!

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Austin Treadwell Austin Treadwell

Is the Fountain of Youth Filled With Red Bull?

When we talk about the key ingredients of our favorite energy drinks, Taurine typically isn’t at the top of the list. And why would it be? It definitely hasn’t been the star of the show to this point. It’s not got the acclaim of Caffeine & it’s not in vogue like Vitamin B12. So why should we care?

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