Basic Lower Extremity Passive Range of Motion
Basic Lower Extremity Passive Range of Motion Maintenance Program.
Home Exercise Programs for Chronic Back Pain Patients
A collection of my go-to exercises for chronic lower back pain patients with a flexion or extension bias!

Chronic Neck Pain Home Exercise Program
An Evidence Based Chronic Neck Pain Home Exercise Program!

Basic Lower Extremity Exercises: In Sitting
A short & simple Lower Extremity HEP for Seniors!

Dry Needling Consent Form
As with any medical procedure, Dry Needling comes with the potential risk of complications. Check out this example Consent Form that I’ve utilized in my own practice!

The 30 Second Sit to Stand Test
The 30 Second Sit to Stand Test is a functional outcome measure for the elderly population that provides a simple and objective assessment of a patient’s lower extremity strength, power, and balance.

Meniscal Repair Protocol
This is a rehab protocol for the post-operative management of a meniscal repair. It is meant to be used as a general reference for clinicians & patients; though, it SHOULD NOT be used to replace genuine expertise or active clinical decision making.