Basic Lower Extremity Exercises: In Standing

Here’s a quick and easy Home Exercise Program of all of my go-to Standing Lower Extremity Exercises that I prescribe to seniors in the LTC & ALF settings!

A progression from my seated exercise program that would benefit my more mobile seniors!

Check it out!

Standing Heel Raises

Strengthens the calf muscles —gastrocnemius & soleus. Beneficial for propulsion & deceleration in gait as well as pumping blood back up to your heart.

Standing Hip Extension Kickbacks Exercise Treadwell DPT

Standing Hip Extension

Strengthens the glutes and hamstrings; important for maintaining the upright position.

Standing Marches

Strengthens the hip flexors; important for preventing falls and avoiding obstacles during gait.


Strengthens the quadriceps & glutes; important for maintaining the upright position.

Hip Abduction Sidekicks Exercise Treadwell DPT

Standing Hip Abduction

Targets the Hip Abductors; important for balance in stance.

Give these Lower Extremity exercises a try! The easiest way to maintain your mobility & independence is to stay active! Implementing a few sets of these key exercises throughout your day could have a huge impact on your level of function!

Share these exercises with a senior in your life!


Basic Lower Extremity Passive Range of Motion